Royal Ballet School Primary Steps Programme
The Primary Steps programme is run in partnership with the Royal Ballet School, Dance Partnership and Access Programme and supported by the Department for Education.
It is a national junior schools programme that aims to provide year 3-6 class groups (7-11-year-olds) with a positive introduction to creative ballet training for selected children who would not otherwise have the opportunity.
The programme is funded by the Department for Education and works to provide access to creative ballet education for thousands of children, targeting areas of social, economic and cultural diversity. We work with the Royal Ballet School and a cluster of junior schools to deliver the programme.
Primary Steps meets at Swindon Dance on Wednesdays, 4:00-7:45 p.m. Dancers receive weekly classes co-led by a classical ballet specialist and a creative dance specialist who work together to develop pupils’ creative knowledge and skills through foundation ballet, contemporary and creative dance techniques. All classes are accompanied by live music.
Students along with their parents/careers also receive mentoring and one-to-one meetings to look at progression, aspirations and basic goal planning. There are also opportunities to see the Royal Ballet School students in training, professional dancers performing and opportunities to perform.