Arts Council England; Swindon Dance is a regularly funded the Arts Council England (ACE). It is an ACE National Portfolio Organisation.
Department for Education (DfE); funds the Centre for Advanced Training through its Music and Dance Department.
BBC Children in Need; supports our SALTO! Juniors programme
Big Lottery
National Dance Network (NDN) The NDN is a network of 28 dance organisations. Its primary role is the development of dance in the context of presenting, programming and commissioning. Website:
People Dancing – The Foundation for Community Dance is a UK-wide organisation that develops opportunities for people to experience and participate in dance. People Dancing works with, and on behalf of artists, organisations, and teachers involved in leading, delivering or supporting community participatory dance.
One Dance UK is the national body for dance in the UK, formed by the merger of the Association of Dance of the African Diaspora (ADAD), Dance UK, National Dance Teachers Association (NDTA) and Youth Dance England (YDE). One Dance UK represents dancers at all levels of the dance industry, and champions excellence in education, youth dance, the dance of the African diaspora, performance, health and well-being, management, leadership and career development. Website:
OneThe National Centres for Advanced Training in Dance (CAT) is a consortium of 9 of the top dance organisations in the UK that identifies children aged between 11 and 19, with exceptional potential in dance and develops their talent through pioneering programmes, creating and inspiring future generations of world class dancers and choreographers. Website:
The Royal Ballet School (RBS) primary STEPS Partnership based at Swindon Dance, it is funded by the DFE and run by the RBS Dance Partnership and Access Programme and Swindon Dance. Primary STEPS provides year 3 pupils in Swindon with access to their first experience in dance. A number of these pupils are then invited to the main Primary STEPS partnership on its 3-year progamme based at Swindon Dance. Website:
Pavilion Dance South West is a National Dance Development Organisation that supports regional dance strategy development across the South West.
Artsmad is a local strategic development initiative comprising of local and regional arts and education organisations that together help children and young people in Swindon to access high-quality arts experiences.
Big Hat Arts & Disability is an inclusive network combining Reach Inclusive Arts, Swindon Dance, Upham Road Day Centre, Music Alive, Gigabit, Commonweal and Crowdys Hill Schools. It exists to develop opportunities, raise awareness and increase access to performing arts, particularly for disabled people.